Earning Trust Online With Your Business Story

Your business story as a trust-builder with visitors AND Google!
The great philosopher Billy Joel once sang “The closer you get to the fire the more you get burned. But that won’t happen to us
Because it’s always been a matter of trust.”
It most definitely is.
When people are searching online, they’re searching for someone they can trust to deliver what they need for a fair price. Someone they can believe really cares and will stand behind what they sell, whether product or service.
There’s no better way to show that your business has a caring and beating heart behind it than by sharing your story. What IS your story?
Just WHO are you? (Yes, we all know who originally asked that question.)
Why did you get into the business you’re in? What do you love about what you do that made you want to do it for a living? Believe it or not, this not only earns you and your business trust with visitors, but this in turn earns you trust with the search engines through the resulting user experience and engagement!
Think of the heritage businesses you know that have been around for a long time. Why are they so enduring? Many times it’s because the genesis of the business is a great story. What is your story?
This podcast originally aired in March 2015 and we’re revisiting it because Mark believes it is possibly the most important part of the foundation of your business and hopes it gets you fired UP!
Thank you for sending us your questions! Give your website development, design, SEO, content marketing and general Internet marketing questions to us on our Ask A Question page, email us at [email protected], or drop us a comment on Facebook or by olfactory telepathy. We will do our best to answer your question on a future podcast:) At your next family gathering, make sure you crank up the MIND Your Business podcast!

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