Tips For Successful Guest Blogging and Selecting Guest Bloggers

Welcome to this week’s scintillating installment of the MIND Your Business podcast! We’re always glad to see you and we’ve got some good info for you this week about guest blogging.
Y’know, back in the 80’s there was that classic video game called Frogger where you have a frog that you have to successfully get across a river and various scenarios with a lot of obstacles in your way. One wrong move and you’re toast.
Well, if we made an updated version called Blogger, it would probably look similar. A ton of obstacles in the way of you performing one simple task. In Frogger, the simple task was crossing the river or what have you. In Blogger, the simple task is writing a solid, informative and thought provoking article…REALLY simple if you’re doing your homework, yet it can be difficult because of all the misinformation available online to distract us from what really matters.
Guest Blogging Guidelines
Take a listen and Mark will lay down some simple guidelines for you that will help you to be successful in both giving AND receiving blog posts!
As always, we LOVE your questions! Get involved…this is YOUR podcast! Give your website development, design, SEO, content marketing and general Internet marketing questions to us on our Ask A Question page, email us at [email protected], or drop us a comment on Facebook or by meta-atomic teleportation. We will do our best to answer your question on a future podcast, as we did this week’s questions:) At your next visit to your favorite juke joint, make sure you ask the DJ to play the MIND Your Business podcast! Happy mid-January from the minds at MIND:)

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