Thanksgiving 2015: Top 5 Things I’m Thankful For

Here’s A Bit Of What I’m Thankful For As I Eat Turkey, Dressing And God Knows What Else For Thanksgiving 2015.
A lot of podcasters take Thanksgiving off, but I just don’t feel right doing that. Especially since I can record the episode ahead of time and be eating the Thanksgiving meal when it goes live.
I guess I’m thankful for technology.
Of all the holidays to HAVE a podcast, I think Thanksgiving must rank Number 1. This week is a bit of a departure from the usual podcast, as I’m basically counting down what I’m thankful for in this year 2015…and trying to be at least a little entertaining while I do it.
Thank you for listening to our podcast and helping to make 2015 such a nice year for MIND. We hope you enjoy today’s podcast and that you can take some time before your post-turkey dinner nap to appreciate those things and people who have had a positive impact on your life this year.
We’ll be back to…umm…”normal” next week, so in the meantime, please send us ANY of your questions. We LOVE answering them and we don’t ever want to run out of them! Give your website development, design, SEO, content marketing and general Internet marketing questions to us on our Ask A Question page, email us at [email protected], or drop us a comment on Facebook or simply hire a skywriter. We will do our best to answer your question on a future podcast:) At your next tailgate party, make sure you ask the DJ to crank up the MIND Your Business podcast!

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