Cat Facts With MIND Cat Expert Andrew Gehman
Andrew Gehman is a waycool MIND website developer and meow, as it turns out, a cat lover and cat expert whose adroitness and prowess with cat categories is way beyond what we realized. Witness for yourself on todays MIND Your Business podcast and test your own cat knowledge while you are at it.
Can a cat actually hold a public office? How many cats did Abraham Lincoln house in the White House? What is a group of cats called? Did a cat REALLY run for office in Mexico City?
Ahhh…you laugh, but you will be surprised at many of these answers:)
Thank you for taking the time to listen and please send us your input. We LOVE hearing from you and always appreciate your two cents. At your next baseball game, make sure you have stadium officials replace the cheesy 7th inning stretch organ music with the MIND Your Business podcast!