Standardization Elimination: Why Fortune 500 Companies Are Becoming Human Again…And What That Means For You

How Old School Principles and Eliminating Standardization Will Help Your Business Online and Off.
Recently, Accenture joined a growing list of Fortune 500 companies who are eliminating standardized employee evaluations. They are going back to the root of what business is supposed to be.
People helping people…including people within your own organization!
Microsoft, Adobe and Motorola are just 3 of the notable Fortune 500 companies who are getting rid of standardization and working with employees and their evaluations based on THEM personally. NOT comparing them to some anonymous person in another organization in another place whose values, morals and standards they cannot personally vouch for.
Ain’t that the way it should be?
This week, Mark discusses this and shares some of his own personal insights of why this is a welcome change. And a reality check for smaller businesses who try to follow the lead of these Fortune 500’s.
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