What You DON’T Really Wanna Know About Search Engine Algorithms and Getting Found Online

What You Don’t Want To Know About SEO
Sounds like tabloid journalism, huh?
The SHOCKING TRUTH! You just DON’T WANNA KNOW! Inquiring minds WANT to know!
At the end of the day, here’s the main dilemma we’re dealing with in the realm of getting your website found online: The search engines don’t trust us.
Enough people have gamed the search algorithms with keyword stuffing, link schemes, fake reviews and such over the past 7 years that the search engines have created more and more hoops for us to jump through to earn trust with them.
The biggest problem isn’t the spammy SEO tactics and the biggest problem isn’t the black hat SEO’s who engage in these tactics. The biggest problem is there are far too many business owners STILL with the wrong mindset when they approach their own SEO, through either true or willful ignorance. The mindset of “I wanna be number one on Google” or “I wanna be on the first page of Google!”
Sure…everyone does. But that’s the mindset that makes you vulnerable to black hat SEOs and basically SEOs who don’t really know what they’re doing. Your mindset should be “I want to improve my ranking and increase traffic to my website.”
One step at a time.
On this week’s podcast, Mark digs deeper into what you don’t want to know about the search engines and gives you some tips as to what you SHOULD know and how it will benefit you and your business this year.
As always, we LOVE your questions! Get involved…this is YOUR podcast! Give your website development, design, SEO, content marketing and general Internet marketing questions to us on our Ask A Question page, email us at [email protected], or drop us a comment on Facebook or by telekinesis. We will do our best to answer your question on a future podcast, as we did this week’s questions:)
Thanks to all of you listening on iTunes and Spreaker and for all the love on Pinterest! Next time you call your favorite radio station, make sure you ask the DJ to play the MIND Your Business podcast! Happy mid-January from the minds at MIND:)

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