All Along The Watchtower: Search Trends To Watch For In 2015

2015 SEO Trends: Engagement and User Experience…and more
There’s too much confusion.
You can’t get no relief.
There must be some kind of way out of here.
So sayeth the joker to the thief.
This week, we obliterate the confusion and give you a rundown of the 5 SEO trends you should be prepared for in 2015. From your content marketing to overall engagement to intensified mobile search to the important longterm effects of Google Pigeon…Mark will give you the lowdown on what you should be doing to stay ahead of the curve and get your best online visibility for your business.
This is our last podcast of 2015. We will be back on New Years Day to kick off 2015, so now’s the time to get your questions in! Give your website development, design, SEO, content marketing and general Internet marketing questions to us on our Ask A Question page, email us at [email protected], or drop us a comment on Facebook or by olfactory telepathy. We will do our best to answer your question on a future podcast, as we did this week’s questions:) At your next visit to the speakeasy, make sure you ask the DJ to play the MIND Your Business podcast!
Have a great holiday, enjoy the podcast and we’ll see you next year!

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