What Should Your Pay-Per-Click Budget Be? When Is It Feasible To Invest In A Website For Your Small Business? We’ve Got Answers For Ya;)

It’s time for this week’s pack-jam-packed MIND Your Business podcast!
This week our go-to Google Adwords/PPC guy Fabio answers a question from Mike B. in Lancaster, PA. Seriously…if you have questions about Pay-Per-Click in general, Google Adwords, if you don’t know what you’re doing or aren’t too sure about what someone is doing FOR you with your PPC, you don’t want to miss this. Fabio will make it all make sense.
Then, MIND’s Internet Marketing Strategist Kris Bradley answers a question from Jason in Lancaster, PA that most small business owners have…WHEN is it financially feasible to invest in a website for my small business? Kris has some great insight to share as well as social media tips that will help you no matter what size your business is.
We hope you enjoy the podcast and emerge from the experience just a bit more knowledgeable. Please be sure to submit your questions for us on our Ask A Question page. We will do our best to answer your question on a future podcast, as we did this week’s questions:)
Thank you for listening!

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