How To Build Your Social Media Audience: A Social Media @ Work Recap

Finding Your Social Media Alpha Audience: Where’d All the Good People Go?
The great philospher Jack Johnson once sang “Where’d all the good people go? I’ve been changin’ channels I don’t see them on the TV shows.”
He’s not the only one looking for good people. Your visitors are looking for good people when they come to your website and look at your social media. How do you present yourself? How do you interact with your audience? How do you address problems presented on your website or social media forums?
How do you earn, as Mark Schaefer so rightly put it, your Alpha Audience, i.e. your audience who REALLY cares about you, your business and the heart behind your business?
Mark Schaefer and Pam Moore very eloquently and dynamically blew our minds at the Social Media @Work conference in Harrisburg and on this week’s podcast Mark and guest social media Swami Kris Bradley recap the major learning points from both of these keynote speakers. This is REALLY good stuff for small businesses who think you can’t compete.
We beg to differ:)
Thank you for taking the time to listen and please remember to send us your questions. We LOVE answering them…that’s what we’re here for! Drop your website development, design, SEO, content marketing and general Internet marketing questions on us through our Ask A Question page. Of course, you can always email us at [email protected], leave a comment on Facebook or simply kick it old school and wire us a telegraph. We will do our best to answer your question on a future podcast:) At your tailgate party, make sure you ask your grillmaster to crank up the MIND Your Business podcast!

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