Pain Relief Tips For Programmers and Anyone With A Desk Job

Desk Job Pain Relief Tips From The Good Nick, MIND’s Newest Developer.
Do you have a desk job?
Whether you are are a programmer or accountant or administrative assistant or CEO, if you have a job that has you behind a desk all day – and probably in front of a computer – you have no doubt experienced discomfort in your neck, shoulders and even your back. From dull, constant aches to stronger pains, your posture can not only have an effect on your comfort level, it can also affect your overall health from your mood to digestion and circulation.
On this week’s podcast, Nick the Dev (aka The Good Nick) shares some insight and great tips on how you can help relieve some of that pain with some simple exercises to help correct poor posture and the negative effects that come from it. A few weeks back, Nick wrote a blog post about this from a programmer’s viewpoint including some visuals for you and here on the podcast he shares even more insight concerning:
• Stress
• Attitude
• Depression and your overall mood
• Circulation
• Digestion and Weight
• Breathing
• Overall health
Thank you for taking the time to listen and we hope you enjoy the podcast. If you’re looking for more tips, you can also look into some helpful home and office modifications to help relieve back pain. We LOVE hearing from you and always appreciate your two cents, so don’t be shy. What would you like to hear us cover on the podcast? Let us know…and on your next international flight, ask your preferred airline to replace the usual boring entertainment with the MIND Your Business Podcast!

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