The Full Monty On The April 21st Google Mobile Algorithm Update: What You Need To Do

Your To-Do Checklist For The April 21st Mobile Ready Algorithm Update and How To Get Rid of
We’re goin’ mobile again.
We don’t mean to beat a dead horse (for lack of another cliche’), but this merits a nice detailed runthrough as we’ve gotten numerous questions about it. In fact Scott, a listener in Lancaster, sent us a question about it which gives us a chance to give YOU a checklist of things you should do to get your website mobile-ready. You can see the checklist and get links to Google’s mobile testing tools here.
The bottom line…make sure your website is mobile-friendly, mobile-ready, etc. before April 21st because you could see a dip in your rankings and traffic otherwise.
And that’s no April foolin’.
So what do you need to do? This week Mark gives you the full detailed breakdown (the Full Monty, if you will) of what Google is looking for and what you should be fixing. He also answers a listener question about how to handle Tweets now that they’re being indexed by Google and still another listener question about how to get rid of that pesky that keeps showing up in your referrals in Google Analytics.
By the way…here’s the links to those cool tools we mention in the podcast to check your website and make sure you’re a Lebowski Achiever and lookin’ mobileriffic to Google:
In the meantime, please send us your questions. We LOVE answering them and we don’t ever want to run out of them! Give your website development, design, SEO, content marketing and general Internet marketing questions to us on our Ask A Question page, email us at [email protected], or drop us a comment on Facebook or simply kick it old school and use a carrier pigeon. We will do our best to answer your question on a future podcast:) At your next Chamber of Commerce function, make sure you ask the DJ to crank up the MIND Your Business podcast!

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