5 Steps To Dyn-O-Mite Website Content

pIt’s time for some algorithm and blues. Actually it’s time for some Dyn-O-Mite good times with 5 steps to Dyn-O-Mite content for your website.
Amidst the search engine algorithm updates of 2014 and all the usual hullabaloo written about said updates online, one major factor has not changed:
Content is king.
And it truly always will be. Your website content is what establishes you as an authority in your field, establishes trust with the search engines, and basically defines what your website is all about for the search engine bots. Rumours of keywords’ demise are greatly exaggerated…in fact, some argue that the search engines don’t even care about keywords anymore. The great philosopher Dale Bozzio once said “What are words for…when no one listens anymore?”
Make no mistake…Google and the rest of the search engines ARE still listening; they just have more to listen to in addition to keywords…like social media posts, schema data, reviews, etc. But remember that your onsite optimization, which includes keyword best practices, still constitutes over 20% of the overall factors that determine your ranking. That’s more than any other category including social, reviews and links.
When you do your content properly, good times will happen between you and your clients and potential clients or customers and today’s podcast will show you how.
Fuh shizzle.
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